The T (144743)
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Happy New Year 2007
Published Jan 1, 2007
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About Me
I am retired from TSR now, but you can find me at MTS3 ( ). I will saldom post my new creations there if I have free time.
Now I working as a civil official in Ministry of Interior.
I started at TSR as a sim couturier and builder for Sims 1 and uploaded about 2 and a half year before Steve offered me FA title --it was long time ago while TSR did not has subscription system. There are a lot of helpful & kindful people in the forums that the reason why my creations are improved. Thanks to everyone.
You can also call me 'Tae', it is my nickname.
I live in Nonthaburi, a suburban province located immediately to the north of Bangkok.
My Latest Updates Show All
Happy new year & I have My Space now.Written Jan 02, 2008
I wish you & your family have a healthy & wealthy new year. This is my space page. Te ...More
There are 2 of my creations featured at official site that I need to delete them due to a promise when I was an FA, you can get them here.Written Nov 17, 2007
There are 2 of my creations featured at official site that I need to delete them due to a promise when I was an FA, you can get them here. This lot was featured in 3 most exquisite lot of the exchange. You can get it at It is my Traditional Thai Wooden House 1. This cloth was... ...More
I passed 2 of the hardest classes of my faculty.Written Oct 11, 2007
Finally I passed 2 class that I have took several times. They are Administrative Law & Comparative Politics. I only need to pass about 8 more classes then I can graduate at last. I almost screem & dance at university when I know that I pass. ~Te ...More
My Guestbook Show All
ChikiwiFeb 15, 2015
Beautiful work. Not sure if you're still creating but you're Thai outfits are beautiful. Have you considered doing some Ancient Egyptian inspired stuff?
thunder_lightningdragonAug 14, 2013
PralinesimsApr 24, 2011
Happy Easter!